Disposable Cup Usage
The UK consumes 2.5 billion coffee cups per year.
99.75% of coffee cups in the UK don’t get recycled.
Cup Neutral is a collaborative venture between BCS, Small Batch and other independent cafes and hospitality business in Brighton and Hove.
We want to make a positive impact on coffee cup waste and believe improving cup recycling is the simplest and most effective way to achieve this.
If you’re reading this then the chances are you want to help reduce pollution, greenhouse gases and do your bit to protect the environment and the world we live in….. well you’re in the right place!
Whether it’s a milky latte, a frothy cappuccino or classic flat white, due to hectic life styles and busy work schedules we have all become reliant on on-the-go coffee, resulting in a significant increase in demand for the take-away cup. We have now become more conscious than ever about what we consume and what really happens when we toss that empty cup into the bin...
We are making it our mission to get as many ethically minded businesses to join the project as possible; taking a pledge to becoming ‘Cup Neutral’. By addressing the recycling and waste collection elements of cup usage, we aim to reduce our carbon foot print and do our bit for the planet.
The project relies on a collaborative effort from both businesses and consumers and we recognise that consumer education is key.
The nature of a take away cup is just that, it will be taken away. Each coffee shop on the project will commit to having a Cup Neutral bin at their site, so by having as many businesses participate as possible, we can maximise the number of collection bins across the city.
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Alan Tomlins ( Founder )With the best will in the world, we’ve seen over the years that you will never get the majority of customers using reusables. We need to do something better
Ben Ferrer (Founder)In giving the means to recycle as many cups as you buy, means that each buyer of these cups knows they've made no impact on environment overall.
So you understand the purpose of Cup Neutral but how does it work?
For every box of cups you buy, you get a collection for the same amount of cups
The collection bins are located in lots of places (even places that don’t sell coffee), check out our map section for bin locations
The empty cups & lids are then collected by Paper Round and taken to be fully recycled at the correct facility
When designing the cup we knew we would need to reverse engineer the process. We wanted to make sure that each component of the cup was fully recyclable and it’s exactly that!
The design of the cup has been kept very simple. By using minimal ink and white card makes the recycle process much quicker and easier.
Likewise, we chose a white lid as this is easily detected by the sorting machine at the recycling facility.
DID YOU KNOW ….. Black coffee cup lids are generally not recycled & more often than not they end up in incineration; unfortunately machinery is unable to detect them during the sorting process as the carbon black colouring makes them pretty much invisible!
For each box you buy, you will be given a collection bag with each delivery which will hold 500 cups, once this is full Paper Round will come and collect it. Simple as that.
Ideally the bins will be full with Cup Neutral cups or others that are 100% recyclable, however all other branded cups will be accepted, collected and sorted to be recycled as best they can.
Click on any of the Cup Neutral icons below to navigate you to your nearest recycling bin